Gemstone A to L

Agate stone of strength, protection & support. Attracts strength, relieves tension, stress & fears. It protects from stress & energy drains. They come in red, green, plume, brownish clear. Powerful healer of sickness & protection against negative energy. Wear agate when you have to make an important decision.

Alabaster It supports self-forgiveness and forgiveness for others. It also draws energy from other stones, meaning it can soak up the energy of one stone and then hold the properties of both itself and the other stone at the same time. It helps to draw anger out of a person and to release it.

Amazonite Believed to have a soothing and calming effect. It accomplishes this by dispelling negative energy and allowing us to let go of sadness and grief. It is a useful stone to wear or carry if you have to face a challenging situation. It is thought to enhance self-expression and creativity. It can also be an aid to seeing both sides of a problem and in analysing and sorting out information.

Amber is reported to protect health as well as being especially favoured as a symptomatic relief for headaches, toothaches, respiratory discomforts, infections & rheumatic pains. One of the most magnetic stones known. Amber has a low thermal conductivity & feels warm to touch. It lifts the spirits & also reduces fluid retention & helps detoxify the urinary system.

Amethyst peace stone. All purpose healer that promotes tranquillity & inspiration. Great stress buster. Combats migraine, headaches & skin problem. It boosts the immune system & purifies all levels of consciousness. Excellent for enhancing intuition & protection.

Ametrine is helpful in getting rid of depression. This leads to inner peace and tranquility. Contains the powers of amethyst and citrine in one stone, making it a very powerful money stone as well as an excellent via to higher psychic awareness and spiritual enlightenment. Rare powerful stone

Apatite is most often seen in blue, but also can be found in brown, pink, yellow, green (from Spain called asparagus stone) and a rare variety of violet. An inspirational stone. It develops psychic abilities and spiritual attunement. Use it to aid communication and self-expression.

Aquamarine calms nerves. Strengthens kidney, liver, spleen, thyroid. Body purifier. Aids clear thinking, creative self-expression. Balances emotional, mental & physical bodies. Helps overcome phobias & fears. Facilitates meditation, inspiration, peace, calmness & love.

Aventurine  you may use it as an opportunity stone to  increase your perception.  It can work as a “gambling stone”  for luck in games of chance.  Wear them when you need a little something extra in your favour or even to increase  your opportunities. It is a gentle stone energetically that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness.

Azurite tempers the mind; it releases stress and confusion, and alleviates worry, indecision, and thoughts that linger in the back of the consciousness. To restore balance and control over emotions and reactions, simply hold the crystal and ask to have the troublesome thoughts evaporate.

Black Onyx Use for successful & positive release. Good for people who just got out of troublesome relationship. Is said to repel negativity and deflect the negativity of others. It is a gem thought to enhance determination and perseverance.

Bloodstone  Excellent for centring and grounding. It brings mystical energies of increasing adaptability and organization, and lessening confusion, stress, and anxiety. A stone of courage, bringing mental, physical and emotional renewal by releasing blockages. Good for helping emotional traumas and grief. It also enhances the intellect.

Blue-Laced Agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquillity and grace. Blue lace agate brings with this calm and tranquillity a lessening of anger, even deep anger issues, and a calming of nervousness. Calms your emotions & mind. Wash away your mental clutter. Stimulate your attitude. Brings out your inner beauty.

Blue Sapphire the stone of “holy blessings” draws protection & prophetic wisdom to the bearer. Attracts & oversees one’s destiny or “mission” in life, instilling hope, faith, and joy during the journey. Sapphire can focus healing, loving energy on anyone needing it, without the user’s participation.

Blue Topaz  Associated with courage and overcoming fears and obstacles. It is a traditional stone for writers, scholars, artists, and intellectuals; and used for aiding higher thinking. It is said to ease mental anguish and promote fidelity, friendship, gentleness, and integrity.

Calcite increases and amplifies energy. This makes it an excellent stone for distance healing, as well as other types of healing. It amplifies is learning  abilities. Calcite is a protecting, grounding and centring stone. It can help bring inner peace. Calcite has been said to increase prosperity. It can also be helpful in increasing intuition.

Carnelian Great for concentration. Energises the blood, aides the kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder & pancreas. Regenerates & vitalises the physical, emotional & mental bodies. Enhances attunement to the inner self. Opens the heart & brings warmth & joy. Balances sexual energy & promotes fertility & creativity.

Cat’s Eye was a popular good luck stone & was often used as an amulet. When your afraid of making an incorrect decision, it will help you think clearly before you act. It will help you to see what you are getting into before you get into it. Wear “eye” stones for clear thinking, accurate judgement, for protection and for good luck. Put your eyes on & see clearly.

Chalcedony  Considered a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, chalcedony nurtures and promotes brotherhood and good will. Chalcedony is said to alleviate hostility, irritability and melancholy.

Chrysocolla A semi-precious stone. Also considered as ‘green turquoise’. Favoured as stone of prosperity, luck & business.  A stone for those who have difficulty expressing their feelings. Promotes gentleness and soothing qualities such as peace, intuition, patience, and unconditional love.

Chrysoprase is powerful healing stone. It is said to bring good fortune and prosperity, as well as business success. It facilitates self-expression, courage, hope, and the ability to use them wisely. It can bring happiness, it helps its wearer get rid of negative thoughts and irritability.  Chrysoprase is a stone of balance.

Citrine quartz is an energising & highly beneficial crystal. It’s energies are directly related to the sun, which are invigorating & positive. It raises self esteem & helps overcome self destructive tendencies. “Citrine in one’s wallet can produce more income. It also maintains wealth.

Clear Quartz is sometimes called rock crystal. It aides in general healing that amplifies, stores & focuses energy. It helps increase resistance to stress. It stimulates brain function thus enhancing intelligence.

Coral (Red)  was credited with the power to destroy bad energy vibrations.  The early Romans used to protect and heal children.  Red coral was worn also by newly married couples as a protection against sterility.  I t is excellent choice as a gift for children as it can strengthen & support their growth

Dalmation Jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. Dalmatian Jasper increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships.

Dragon Agate is said to eliminate  auric negativity, to  stimulate creativity, courage, harmony, and balance the emotional and physical bodies with the etheric.  It has been used to help balance the  yin/yang  energies.

Emerald Eliminates negative energy and turns it into positive emotional energy. Emerald is a stone of great harmony, wisdom and love. Giving your lover an Emerald will bring the lover closer if the giver’s motives are pure love. Emerald is used by healers to help heal the heart. The power of the Emerald is highest at the full moon.

Fire Agate has a powerful vibration that sharpens your desire to take action, even when you’re not sure what the best course to take should be. It can help you to feel fully grounded and physically aware, and it quickens the fire in your spirit and makes you aware that being alive feels great!

Fluorite  Thought to balance and stabilize intuition. Fluorite is believed to improve the ability to concentrate. Fluorite is said to absorb and neutralise negative vibrations. Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace.

Fuchsite Known as the “healers stone”. When used by healers, it amplifies the energies of crystals and speeds up the healing process. Fuchsite is the green variety of muscovite and carries the properties of muscovite – inspiration, problem solving, intuition

Garnet  The Garnet is known as the stone for a successful business. If your business is not as good as it should be, just put 3 or more garnets on your desk. Garnets can be used to make a person popular and have self-esteem when worn as jewellery. It helps protect one on trips. Gives you the courage, consistency and enthusiasm to reach your goals in life.

Gold symbolises wealth used wisely, but it is also the symbol of good health. People who favour the colour gold are optimistic. Wearing gold in everyday life increases personal power, and promotes courage, confidence and willpower.

Goldstone  helps attain one’s goals. Goldstone is also said to help one stay calm and stabilise the emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. It is also used for revitalising one’s energy field.

Hematite is a powerful blood cleanser that boost the Immune system and helps circulate oxygen in the body. Good for blood disorders, arthritis, diabetes and leg cramps.  A magnetism stone that helps attracts abundance, opportunities and people into one’s life.

Himalayan Salt is millions of years old and pure, untouched by many of the toxins and pollutants that pervade other forms of ocean salt. It contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found in the human body. Himalayan salt’s unique cellular structure allows it to store vibrational energy.

Howlite  is a wonder stone for calming upset states of mind and emotion. Howlite decreases an overly critical state of mind, selfishness, stress, and anxiety, bringing calm and relaxation. Quietly soothes and calms to bring gentleness and patience.

Jasper the supreme nurturer.  Highly valued by humans as sacred and powerful stone of protection and  grounding.  Provides safely during astral travel.  Brings the energy of the sun to rejuvenate and strengthen the body.  Helps tissue regeneration.

Jade is stone that inspires the mind to make quick and precise decision.  Radiates divinity, unconditional love, courage and wisdom.  It’s a Good Luck stone that brings wealth and good health.

Labradorite is a considered by mystics to be a stone of transformation and magic. It is said to clear, balance and protect the aura. It is purported to help provide clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as attract success. Stress and anxiety are said to be reduced by labradorite.

Lapis Lazuli Stimulates inner visions, to give you enhanced wisdom, insight and good judgement.  An excellent ‘executive stone’ because it can strengthen your intelligence and wisdom.  Cleans the mind, body and spirit of toxins and negativity.  Stimulates the will, perfection, awareness.  Encourages integrity in relationships.

Lemon Jade light yellow-green variety of Serpentine. Stimulates creativity and mental agility, whilst also encouraging practicality, wisdom, love, and tolerance. It is also believed to have a balancing and harmonizing effect, banishing negative thoughts and rejuvenating the wearer during times of stress.

Leopard Jasper is believed to help the wearer find and achieve their goals and can bring understanding that they already have everything they need. As with all Jaspers, Leopard Jasper is a protective stone, particularly for spiritual journeys. Physically it’s believed to be helpful with self-healing and can help eliminate toxins from the body.